The Anew Lift™ provides a lift in two ways:  an immediate lift occurs when specially designed threads are inserted into the skin and as the threads dissolve over the next few months, the body naturally produces collagen with results of the lift lasting up to two years.  The results are a younger, relaxed, rejuvenated and refreshed look.  The Anew Lift™ requires no surgery, very little discomfort and because it is a non-invasive procedure, there is little or no downtime.

In some cases, the Anew Lift™ is best accomplished along with dermal fillers, depending on the esthetic results you are seeking.

Anew Smooth™ threads can be used to smooth wrinkled, crepey skin by replacing and adding collagen and elastin to damaged areas to restore the healthy foundation to your skin.  Popular areas include under the eyes, radial lip lines and the neck.

Am I a Candidate?

Suitable candidates for an Anew Lift™ and Anew Smooth™ treatments are ideal for men and women 35 – 65 years of age who are experiencing mild to moderate sagging of the face and want more effective facial lifting than fillers and Botox alone can provide but are not ready for a full surgical facelift. 

If you have any of the following concerns, you may be a candidate for a thread lift:

·       Mild to moderate sagging and laxity of skin in cheeks, eye or brows, jowls and neck

·       Effects of a previous face-lift or neck-lift wearing off

·       Younger patients with cheek sagging caused by weakened muscles or collagen loss

·       Patients with realistic expectations for the outcome of their thread-lift treatment

What Can I Expect?

An Anew Lift™ can generally be performed in an hour.  The threads are very thin threads that are inserted into the targeted facial area where lifting and smoothing is desired.  The threads attach to the inside of the skin and are gently lifted to smooth the face.  This begins the first phase of the Anew Lift™ which will achieve the initial results towards eliminating sagging areas and rejuvenate your face.  As the threads dissolve and the body then produces new collagen, this will further lift and smooth the treatment area with a full result in about 3-4 months.

What is the Downtime?

Once the procedure is complete, you will be given personalized aftercare instructions so you can achieve optimal results. Downtime is usually limited to a day or two (but could be longer) and for many patients, there is no downtime.   Most patients experience mild localized swelling and bruising which can be covered with make-up and resolve quickly.  It is recommended you do not have the Anew Lift™ procedure within 2 weeks of any major event due to potential for swelling and bruising. 

How Long Do Results Last?

The Anew Lift™ can last up to 2 years but is entirely dependent on a patient’s age, metabolism, lifestyle and other factors.  Due to the natural aging process, facial sagging will return over time.  Periodic treatment can be performed to extend the results of the Anew Lift™ and Anew Smooth™ Threads treatments.