The PRP facelift is a procedure that involves withdrawing a patient's blood, processing it to isolate the platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and growth factors, then placing it into the folds of the face to erase wrinkles and create a more youthful appearance.

PRP contains several potent growth factors along with other rebuilding platelets that stimulate the healing of soft tissue. In the body, platelets are responsible for helping rebuild damaged tissue and increasing the circulation to add glow into the skin. Externally, studies have shown that platelets can stimulate your stem cells resulting in the growth of new healthy tissue providing an excellent foundation for your skin.


Microneedling is a procedure which creates tiny channels along the skin surface. PRP is then applied topically to the skin, allowing the full penetration of PRP deep down into the dermis and epidermis layers of the skin.

Topically applying the PRP enables it to get wider and deeper into the skin, compared to injections where the PRP is isolated into the injected area. The microneedling allows PRP to get into the skin more evenly affecting the total face. This application can be used for the face, neck, and decollate.

A PRP facial will improve skin texture and tone and can be used to soften acne scars, surgical scars, stretchmarks, and fine lines.

Because PRP stimulates collagen production, results may continue to improve several months after the initial treatments. That's because the plasma stimulates their skin's stem cells to produce more collagen, grow new cells, and literally rejuvenate the skin. The new cell growth in skin generated by the platelet rich plasma takes weeks to months, which is why it looks so much better after more time passes. Therefore, platelet rich plasma lasts and looks better as long as 18 months to two years.

PRP Facial with microneedling treatments can be completed every 4 weeks for a total of 3 times. A maintenance treatment may be done once every 6-12 months.